

still taking things one day at a time around here... and savoring the moments we have together before Justin's return to work next week (nooo!!!).  so far, Bellamy has been fairly laid back... really only fusses to eat.  and, nighttimes haven't been altogether horrible either.  sleep is definitely not as scarce as it was during Asa's first couple weeks.  speaking of my boy, we know he's got some love for his new little sis... we're just hoping it gets a little more tender... sooner than later.  he switches between jealousy, curiosity, and affection on a hourly basis.
i can't blame him... this baby girl is rockin' his little world!
i'm learning the fine line between grace and discipline these days.  things are gonna be just fine.
all in all, we're good... really good.  thank you, Jesus.

our week, complete with a visit to the pediatrician (weighing in at 6lbs 9oz! and perfectly healthy, with the exception of being slightly jaundiced), sweet visitors, Bellamy snoozin', play time with our boy, and pumping... LOTS of pumping... perhaps too much.

now, i'm so excited to have one of my dearest and best friends, Kristi, from Kristina Lynn Photography sharing a few words on the blog today.  She has two sweet babes... her first is a precious boy, Ezra, who'll be 3 in a couple short months and she and her husband Slade just welcomed there baby girl, Hazel, into the world a little more than 3 weeks ago!  i love that our girls are so close together, and although her family lives in Greenville, SC we hope for them to do a little growing up together!

On Hazels coming into the world...
 Like every birth you never, ever feel ready. I think for us this was more true with Hazel. Ezra was our first so all I did all day was think about him and, in essence, prepare in my heart. With Hazie, I felt like I could have waited one more week, then juuust one more and so on. One thing that helped me want to stop "putting it off" (like I really could) was the excitement to find out the gender of our little one. I carried the same (but felt alot worse) so I had started assuming I was having a boy (but was secretly hoping for a girl). I also was ready to not be pregnant.  I had a good chuckle over a post Carey made one day about her pregnancies being pretty smooth... no throwing up, no headaches or getting enormous and uncomfortable, etc. Mine have been pretty much the polar opposite, you name it I had it, and towards the end it was debilitating nose bleeds every day. So one prayer I did have is that our new baby would be not as difficult as my first,after a rough nine months. I don't know if she really is just that much easier (it seems like it and she is sleeping nights like dream - no pun intended) or if I am just more relaxed, but this go round does seem easier. (thank you Lord!) Also just very thankful that she's alive- the nurse told me we were very blessed in this case, considering they'd found an unexpected knot in her cord called a "true knot".  I made the mistake of googling it and realized that, yes, it is a scary thing. All my dumb worries seemed pretty small after hearing that news and we just basked in a tearful thankfulness.

A quote from Slade  "Her cry sounds like the wheel of a squeaky cart."

Coming home...
This was easy compared to the last night in the hospital. Hazie had gotten accustomed to being held all the time and had started crying when anyone put her down. I didn't want to let her cry at all because friends and family were always there and that would be distressing to some of them. So I was anxious to see what she would do when we got home. To my surprise, it was like she suddenly forgot her hospital habits and just knew she was home, she loves her little closet/room (no we don't put her in a regular closet like Harry Potter or some horrible parents) we have a closet that is basically a room (I actually really love it for her).

Tricks of the trade...
One thing that has helped me (living in a house with with stairs, where the kitchen seems like a million miles away) is bringing breakfast up stairs to feed my 2 year old while I nurse her, or before so it doesn't end up being 10 before he eats. Also, the little bouncy seats are wonderfully useful when I need to put her down.  Aaand, lastly... I dont ever wake her up at night (I mean she knows when she is hungry!)

Over the last few weeks I have actually been very peak and valley when it comes to my moods and emotions, so I have been relying on the truth of scripture rather than what my emotions are telling me. I feel very mundane and unspiritual much of the time. When I was wrestling with this one day, Slade reminded me of the comforting verse in 1st timothy 
"But women will be saved through childbearing--if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety". Of course I am saved through Jesus and Him alone but this is the everyday mundane way God has ordained for me to be refined and tested and purified. I consider it a blessing to work in the home as unto the Lord. I don't have to be a spiritual super-woman and have revelations for heaven everyday. I just have to be faithful to the Lord in the everyday diaper changing and in my heart.

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