
such a good God we serve...

this week, 2 years ago, was 'round about the time we would have been meeting our first baby girl.  our hearts broke a thousand times over when we lost her to a chromosomal defect, known as Turner's Syndrome, at just 21 weeks in utero.
now, while we can't wait to meet that perfect little beauty Heavenside one day, the Lord reminded me of His unfailing love and faithfulness today with the realization that almost exactly 2 years later, we're counting down the days to meet our baby Belle.
with the overwhelming desire he placed in my heart for it, i always felt so sure that one day God would bless me with the amazing responsibility of motherhood... and while the road's been a bit bumpy, our prayers have been answered through Asa and Bellamy... and, hopefully, a couple more. 
last night Justin and i sat down to write a long letter to our boy. we wanted to make sure we recounted the past 15 months of our life with him before his little sister comes along.  we want him to know how God used him to grow our hearts 10 times their size and heal the brokeness... we've learned to love in a whole new way... on another level.
we prayed for him like Hannah for Samuel, and we commit to raising him with a love so deep for our faithful Heavenly Father.
Bellamy is part of His promise too... and the one after that... and the one after that... and the, well, we'll see ;)

so, we choose to celebrate this precious life He's entrusted to us and praise Him through the good and the bad.  it's the only way.

we rounded out our day with this little stud
thank you, Jesus!

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